Our Story



Our love for the land and for the raw ingredients, cultivated with an ever lasting commitment, has been handed down for three generations, from grandpa Oreste and grandma Fiorentina, through my parents Roberto and Giuliana, up to me. The first hazels were planted by our ancestors more than two centuries ago, and even though they couldn’t always sustain our family, the visceral love for my land has quickly made them my raison d’être.

Our Impact


The donkeys

Our burros are essential to the reduction of the environmental impact: they contribute to the fertilization of the soil and to the adjustment of the turf during spring and summer. After all, it shapes up to be a gain on both sides: while we guarantee the animal a free, happy and fair life, we assure you the best hazelnuts.

The bees: wardens of biodiversity

Conscious of the fundamental importance of bees, we have added 40 hives to our land, for a total of 4,800,000 units. The bees, sentinels of the territory and wardens of biodiversity, are essential for maintaining the balance of the terrestrial microclimate. By creating whirling movements in the air during their flights, bees contribute to the dynamization of the environment, laying the foundations for life. Even though bees do not play a part in the pollination of the hazel trees, they are nevertheless fundamental for the balance and subsistence of the whole agricultural environment.

Glass packaging

Highly recyclable, with remarkable taste-preserving properties, glass is the perfect material for our packaging. We choose glass over plastic, which can be extremely polluting when used on a large scale, in order to match our environmental-friendly policies to our desire to offer the best possible product, making it convenient and hygienic to use.

Solar energy

From our environmental-friendly philosophy comes our choice to use solar energy, renewable, clean and sustainable. The solar thermal panels ensure hot water and reduced electric consumption, while fitting perfectly

Natural detergents

The hygiene standards of our laboratory are maintained and guaranteed by the use of natural detergents, developed by a company made in Italy which aims at protecting and respecting not only the local fauna and flora, but the entire planet. It is essential for us to make sure that our products are the result of excellent raw materials combined with an outlook on the environment. Our highly biodegradable detergents protect the aquatic fauna and flora, are free of allergens as well as bleaches and silicones, and contain substances of renewable origin. These are shipped in recyclable packaging (HDPE), thus reaffirming our attention to the environment and our aversion to pollution.



The name of the farm wants to be a tribute to my mare, Morgana del Re, a faithful companion to whom I am very attached. It also wants to underline the uniqueness and fundamental importance of the relationship between man, animal and nature, relationship on which ultimately depend the well-being and balance of the planet.

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As a sweetener


Following careful research, we decided to use coconut sugar as a sweetener. In fact, it boasts the lowest glycemic index among all natural sweeteners, and is the only sweetener that does not require refining. Coconut sugar is extremely beneficial, has great nutritional values ​​and provides supportive energy. A further guarantee of the quality standard of our products.

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Our hamlet



The “Langhe” are famous all over the world: the wealth of traditions, local goods and beautiful hilly landscapes give this land its distinctive and renowned feel. The region, located in the south of Piedmont, close to the Ligurian Apennines, is marked by a typical hilly fauna and an extremely heterogeneous flora. Climate-wise, the hot humid wind coming from the Mediterranean sea often alternates with continental currents and defines a wide range of microclimates which, depending on the hill slopes, the altitude and the inclination, favor different crops, such as vineyards, hazel groves, beech and chestnut woods. These are the very own winds that convey the pollination of the hazel trees. Since 2014, the Langhe have become part of the “UNESCO World Heritage Site”. Rodello rises amidst these fascinating hills, marked by a particular biodiversity which perfectly enhance and cultivate our hazel trees.
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Online Reservations


To Book a visina at our facility
call 0173 617086 or write to info@morganadelre.it

It is necessary to book at least 2 days in advance
specifying possibly also the preferred time

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